Jenny Shima, Japan-based actress, singer, model, and radio host, talks health, family, and E3Live superfoods

Jenny Shima, Japan-based actress, singer, model, and radio host, talks health, family, and E3Live superfoods

Japan-based actress, singer, model, and radio host talks, health, family, and E3Live superfoods

Meet Jenny Shima—an actress, singer, model, and host of a radio show in Tokyo, Japan. She is the mama of Velvet Jean and Birdie Moon and wife to worldwide photographer Takuya Shima. We check in with Jenny about her life in Japan, her family and E3Live superfoods.

Tell us about yourself, your family, and life in Japan.
I’m from a town just outside of Chicago and came to Japan about 10 years ago. Since 1999 I’ve been singing and performing all over, from NYC to Hong Kong, to a cruise ship in the Caribbean to Tokyo. A big part of my career has been performing for Disney, which is what brought me to Hong Kong in 2005 and ultimately Tokyo afterwards. My husband, born and raised in Japan, was on tour with his band, Buddhistson, while I was living in Hong Kong, so that’s how we met! Thank goodness the stars aligned for me to work in Japan with Tokyo Disney. I fell in love with Japan and even more in love with Shima...that love eventually manifested into our two beautiful daughters, Velvet Jean and Birdie Moon!

Now I balance being a mommy, a radio show host, and a studio singer for various artists, commercials, and animations. My husband is a full-time photographer (***Shima Photography and Design*) as well as the singer/songwriter for Buddhistson. Velvet Jean is 4 and Birdie Moon is almost 3 months!
We love traveling the world as a family. Velvet is the friendliest kid I’ve ever met so traveling came quite naturally to her, and we were very excited as Birdie is just about ready to get that first stamp on her passport. Experiencing new places and cultures with our girls is the most rewarding thing for us.

When and why did you become interested in a healthy lifestyle?
I think I’ve always been into a fairly healthy lifestyle simply from being in the entertainment industry for so long. Not only from a physical appearance standpoint, but from an energy and stamina standpoint as well. To be able to perform sometimes 5 shows in a day, or endure lengthy shoots and recordings, it’s been pretty much a necessity for me to keep my health in check as much as I can. That being said, I honestly feel I care about my health now more than ever before because of my children. I want to have enough energy to keep up with them at all times, not to mention, be around to play with my future grandbabies too!

What are your favorite E3Live superfoods and why?
Blue Majik is something really special. I run almost every morning and achy joints are a thing of the past since taking the Blue Majik daily. Also, who doesn’t love looking at that gorgeous blue hue?

I also love adding BrainON to my morning routine. As much as I like to think I was an excellent multi-tasker before I had children, the truth is after I became a mom I couldn’t believe how much harder that tasking became. The mommy brain struggle is real! I once put dinner on the table and moments later went back into the kitchen to...make dinner! I also can’t count how many times I’ve shampooed my hair in the shower because I couldn’t remember if I had washed it yet.

How do you get your family to eat healthy?
Smoothies! Well that’s one part of it at least. I love to pack in a ton of greens into a breakfast smoothie to get the family started right first thing in the morning. Also, living in Japan has been a blessing when it comes to healthy eating. I mean, you can buy the most amazingly fresh hard boiled eggs at the 711 here. So much goodness is easily accessible and affordable even when you’re on the go. My daughter frequently craves sushi, natto (fermented soy beans) and edamame, and I’m so so grateful for it. Now don’t get me wrong...Japan also has the best ice cream flavors which we do NOT skip out on from time to time, but in general Japanese meals are quite healthy and balanced so we mostly stick to that in our home.

What are your top health and fitness tips?
Find some physical activity that you love and make that a part of your daily routine. I happen to love running, yoga, and kickboxing. My husband plays basketball regularly. The other thing I would say is to take up healthy eating habits. I’m not a fan of dieting, I don’t think it’s sustainable over time. I’m all about balance. If you make an effort to choose more greens, more organic foods, more fruits over snacks, more plant-based meals or whatever works best for your body, that is sustainable and your mood, energy, and general well-being will reap the benefits.

What's your secret to a healthy loving relationship?
Love and laughter! Respect each other’s differences. Be each other’s biggest fans....Travel the world and make babies! Ok so that last part might not be for everyone but it has worked for us ;)

What's next for you and your family?
We are working towards having another home in the states so we can raise our children in both Japanese and American cultures. We love aspects of both countries so much we don’t want to have to choose one place anymore. Also, some new albums are in the works from Buddhistson (my husband’s band) and I hope to have a children’s album done within a year as well.

Featured Recipe
JENNY'S FAVORITE BLUE MAJIK SMOOTHIE using E3Live's Blue Majik spirulina extract superfood.
Follow Jenny and her husband, Takuya Shima, on Instagram
Jenny Shima @jennyshima
Takuya Shima @shimatakuya