Wellness Rewards

Sign Up & Start Earning Points Today!

Earn rewards every time you shop at E3Live.com. The more you shop, the more points you earn, which you can redeem for an E3 Gift Card or use points to buy select E3 products at a discount. Plus, enjoy extra ways to earn points—get birthday bonuses, share on social media, refer friends, and more. Start earning today!

How It Works:

1. Sign in to your E3Live account, then sign up for the Wellness Rewards loyalty program by clicking the green button at the bottom right labeled "Wellness Rewards".

2. Shop in our online store and points will automatically be added to your Wellness Rewards balance (1 point earned per dollar spent). You can view your points balance anytime by clicking the green button or in your dashboard here.

3. Redeem for an E3Live Gift Card: Once you reach 100 points and have placed at least one prior order with us, you may exchange points for a gift card to use on your next E3Live.com order. Options will appear in your dashboard here.

Earn 1 point for every dollar you spend, then exchange in $5 increments starting at 100 points:

    • 100 points = a $5.00 Gift Card
    • 200 points = a $10.00 Gift Card
    • 300 points = a $15.00 Gift Card
      and so on!

4. Redeem for E3 Products: Use your points to purchase select E3 products directly from your dashboard here at a discounted rate. 


Other Ways To Earn Points:

  • 25 points for new E3Live customer accounts.
  • 25 points on your Birthday!
  • 200 points for referring a friend who then orders.
  • 50 points for sharing on social media.
  • 25 points for following or liking us on social media.
  • 30 points for subscribing to our email list.
  • 50 points for subscribing to our SMS list.
  • More to come, stay tuned!

Check your points balance and more in your dashboard here.

Additional Program Details:

  • For retail clients only.
  • Points are earned/used on product price only - not shipping, taxes, or other fees.
  • Points expire after 24 months.
  • Points cannot be earned on the purchase of an E3Live Gift Card.
  • When redeeming points for an E3Live Gift Card, please note that gift cards are digital (no physical card will be issued), you will receive a code to enter during checkout in the Gift Card field. 
  • Social Media points can only be earned once.
  • Shipping fees will still apply on dry goods purchased with points unless you also have over $59 in non-points-purchased dry goods in the same order (then shipping is free).
  • The 25 points for new E3Live customer accounts would be for new E3Live accounts set up from Feb. 1, 2025 until present day.