Banana Blue Smoothie Bowl

Banana Blue Smoothie Bowl

Recipe by Amber Romaniuk @amberromaniuk


  • 1.5 frozen bananas
  • A handful of frozen mango
  • 1 tsp organic lemon extract
  • 3 tbsp unsweetened coconut yogurt (I like Yoso)
  • 1 tsp Blue Majik®
  • 1 tsp collagen


  • Pinch of pitaya powder
  • 1 small banana thinly sliced
  • 1 tsp shredded coconut
  • 1 tsp chia seeds 

Step 1

Blend all smoothie ingredients in a high-power blender until smooth and pour into your favorite bowl! 

Step 2

Top with banana slices, pitaya powder, chia seeds and shredded coconut.