Angelo Feriante

Angelo Feriante

My first experience with E3Live and BrainON was through a local smoothie shop that sold shots of this amazing super food of blue green algae. Instantly I remember feeling a little lighter and more relaxed as I enjoyed standing in the sun after my PEA infusion. So I kept hearing more and more about this product and ended up buying a bottle of the frozen BrainON. I then had my father buy himself a bottle, to which he remarked on how much better he felt after taking the BrainON. I feel that it's important to replenish our bodies, especially in the fast paced lives we live, where healthy choices can be neglected out of the convenience of widely accessible unhealthy choices out there with mass advertising campaigns behind them. Informing yourself on health and researching can be so beneficial and then allowing yourself to feel what your body likes and what rhythm suits who you are. E3Live and BrainON always help me feel more rejuvenated and upbeat. Someone told me that taking blue green algae was the most equivalent to a blood transfusion, as it is the so rich in nutrients. Blue green algae are some of the oldest living organisms on the planet and are considered one of the most sun-potent foods on the planet, due to its exceptionally high receptivity to sunlight. I love this super food and am so thankful to E3Live for providing such an amazing product!