Anna Priest Independent Researcher

Anna Priest Independent Researcher

Researcher Anna Priest - E3Live is a Unique Nutritional Product

I don't usually endorse products but I've found the response I've had to E3Live, in just a few weeks, has been noticeable and positive. I think it's a unique nutritional product which has great potential to help those with symptoms due to toxicity/impaired detox capacity, malabsorption, and sluggish metabolism.

Having had a medical condition with symptoms like severe tiredness and a drained feeling for many years along with severe immune/endocrine problems, and currently being only partly functional, I've tried just about every treatment and product on the market. I noticed a difference within a week of taking E3Live, primarily a slight boost in energy and greater mental clarity. My cognitive processes are consistently better, mood and concentration especially, and best of all, my 'down time' to recover from activity is far less than before. I can only attribute the benefits to E3Live as nothing else has changed in my regime.

Being that AFA is an edible water plant, I was at first skeptical that it might have absorbed toxic metals into the cell wall, primarily mercury, from the surrounding water and air. However, I've seen independent lab reports stating that the product is free of toxic metals and chemicals. Therefore, this leaves it free to absorb YOUR toxins, and in a similar manner to chlorella algae, it may assist in removing them from the body.

As well as assisting with detox, being so comprehensive in its makeup, I believe it's an all-in-one daily supplement, which can replace a number of others. If you're going to try this product and your health has been seriously compromised, you should begin slowly and build up gradually. Also very important is to drink plenty of clean water each day to support the body's detox systems and elimination pathways.

For those with seriously impaired detox capacity you should consult your health care practitioner who can answer specific questions for you.