Rosemarie Paasch-Robatcek, MA,

Rosemarie Paasch-Robatcek, MA,

CNA - Bachelor of Science in Allied Health Management

Dramatically Improved Focus

BrainOn has changed my life in many ways. It has helped raise my grade point average by a full point. My stress level has decreased, and I am able to retain greater amounts of information. My ability to focus for longer periods of time has dramatically improved, and I have not been ill since I started taking this product, the summer of 2007. I used to rely on caffeine and nicotine for stimulation during school; however, once I started taking BrainON routinely, this is no longer necessary.

I require less sleep, less food, and my energy levels have increased. My endurance level at the gym has skyrocketed! I have softer skin, and my hair and nail growth is remarkable. BrainON is something I have gotten my family and friends to consume, and it is a superfood I believe no one should live without.