Jackie Porter

Jackie Porter

I am not in the habit of writing this type of letter, however, I feel I must tell you how grateful I am to you and your E3RenewMe! Total Body Blend.

After the death of my mother this year, I gained 30 pounds and have not felt well since. My sinus condition had worsened to the point I could not think, couldn't hear, and my vision had declined. I suffered from severe headaches, which I never had in the past, generally speaking, I was in very poor health.

I have been taking your RenewMe blend for 4 weeks now. I feel that it has given me the nutrition I need. Now, what a difference! I wish you could see it. I have dropped two dress sizes. (I am not sure how much weight because I stopped getting on a scale a while ago). My sinus condition has all but disappeared, my hair, nails, and skin are beautiful. Best of all, my headaches are gone. I feel and look terrific. I would not have thought it possible. You know how long it has taken me to become a believer in this type of living and now I feel I have wasted a lot of time not feeling well.

Thank you, thank you, for helping me get back among the living and away from the walking dead.