

Mom Loves E3Live & BrainON During Pregnancy and Beyond!

I am a fitness instructor and a health and wellness specialist for over 15 years. I was 18 weeks pregnant when I first began taking E3Live/ BrainON products, and I must say, the "almost instantaneous shift" my body took was amazing. The daily "sour stomach acid reflux routine" I became so used to, just suddenly disappeared and that craving for caffeine I had come to rely upon as fuel to get me going in the morning vanished. My skin cleared up. Additionally, I knew E3Live/ BrainON was something special when friends and family continued to comment on "how much calmer my demeanor is." Simply put, I feel much more clear and centered in my daily routines and thinking.

This superfood is a part of my daily nutrition regimen as well as my husband and baby. As a health and wellness specialist, as a basic rule of thumb, I do not recommend supplements to my clients because I have found that very few are effective or are actually absorbed into the cells. After my personal experience with E3Live/BrainON products, I share my experiences and recommend E3Live/BrainON to all of my clients so that they may discover the truly amazing effects for themselves, especially vegan and vegetarians. E3 is truly in a class of its own…Yaaaay E3Live/BrainON, THE SUPERFOOD OF SUPERFOODS!