Rivka Teitelbaum

Rivka Teitelbaum

E3Live Helps Son's Recovery

Awhile back, my 6 year-old son Joel couldn't eat due to painful sores in his mouth—just one of the several symptoms caused by an infectious virus that was spreading like wildfire at the bungalow colony where our family was vacationing. For some reason, the children were more susceptible to this virus than the adults. Needless to say, as a mother this was quite alarming.

The local doctor said it was a type of virus that would pass in three to five days, but Joel was in agony and I wanted desperately to do something for him. So I called our trusted primary health care provider who is very holistic in his outlook. He told me, "Just have the boy rinse his mouth with E3Live every 15 minutes during the daytime, and then swallow it."

To our joy, within two hours the painful sores in Joel's mouth were no longer painful. In 24 hours they were miraculously gone and all the symptoms of the virus had passed! Just the other day, when my son felt sick, he said, "Mama, I need algae!" E3Live is a gift from above and a mother's friend. All mothers should know about E3Live.