According to Well + Good there are superfoods and then there are super-Instagrammable foods, and every once in a while, those two things overlap. Case in point? Blue Majik, a Certified Organic extract of spirulina. The stuff is ketogenic-friendly (packed with fatty acids), and full of vitamin B12, magnesium and other detoxifiers that make it the densest source of plant protein. The power powder also boasts brain-boosting, immune-system-aiding, and skin-benefiting properties.
Beyond its résumé of nutritional gold stars, Blue Majik's photogenic property is thanks to its naturally vibrant blue hue, which makes everything look like it was blessed by Smurfs and majikians. And, obviously, "everything" here means oatmeal and smoothie bowls: People are creating blue wonders from the stuff and turning Instagram into an indigo wonderland.