Anna Nassery, Creative Agency CEO, talks healthy biohacks, self-care and BrainON

Anna Nassery, Creative Agency CEO, talks healthy biohacks, self-care and BrainON

Anna talks healthy biohacks, self-care and BrainON

Anna Nassery is the founder and CEO of BrandUp, a creative agency based in sunny LA. Her digitally focused company has been featured in Forbes and Entrepreneur and their jam is creating websites and branding. Anna is super passionate about helping other entrepreneurs tap into their true vibe, doing what they love, while maintaining integrity plus heart and soul. This energy optimization / biohack queen considers her health and wellbeing top priorities — and takes fresh-frozen BrainON daily. We check in with Anna about her digital world, healthy lifestyle and E3Live superfoods.

How did you become a CEO at such a young age?
I always held my own vision, and it didn't align with me to work under the structure of someone else's vision when mine was so clear. When I was in my late 20's, I figured this out, took the leap and started my own agency.

What does entrepreneurship mean to you?
It means taking ownership of your drive, your work ethic and your vision. It's all about taking a step outside of your comfort zone, which has its pros as well as its cons.

Who or what inspires you to be creative?
Tapping into my own inherent self — I'm such a creative to my core, so when I tune into myself, and out of my head, I get inspired.

Why is a healthy lifestyle important for your line of work?
I believe in filling your own cup, first! The energy you pour into yourself will then reflect back to those around you tenfold.

How did you learn about E3Live?
I feel like it was almost a decade ago, at Mother's Market in Orange County! I love browsing health food stores and discovering new gems.

Which E3Live superfoods do you consume and what benefits do you feel?
Fresh-frozen BrainON! I blend it with frozen fennel, bee pollen, lemon and a little bit of vanilla collagen every morning.

Top 5 healthy lifestyle biohacks
1. Redlight therapy
2. Cold exposure
3. Quinton minerals
4. My morning BrainON concoctions
5. Nucalm performance system when I'm feeling stressed

What advice do you have for budding entrepreneurs?
Do not skimp out on your self-care! It sounds counterintuitive, but trust me, the more you show up for yourself, the more you'll be able to perform at a high level.

What's on your plate this year?
Continue to take care of my mind/body/spirit, continuously grow, and stay grounded while I do it.

Check out Anna's website and social media
Instagram: @annadoingthings_

ANNA NASSERY's Morning BrainON Concoction
Anna's morning drink: "Fresh-frozen BrainON! I blend it with frozen fennel, bee pollen, lemon and a little bit of vanilla collagen every morning.
  • 1 serving of fresh-frozen BrainON
  • ¼ cup frozen Fennel
  • ½ tsp local bee pollen
  • juice from half lemon, plus rind of ⅛ lemon
  • 1 scoop of vanilla collagen (I use Primal Kitchen Vanilla Collagen)
  • 1 cup spring water
  • 5 drop liquid monk fruit
  • 1 drop trace minerals or sprinkle celtic sea salt
Blend and enjoy!