Haley Davis OSU Marketing & Managment Grad shares her health insights

Haley Davis OSU Marketing & Managment Grad shares her health insights

OSU Grad Haley shares challenges, healthy commitments and E3Live Love

Haley was born and raised in Lake Tahoe and recently graduated Oregon State University with a Bachelor's in both Marketing and Management. After dealing with the stresses of being a full-time student and then transitioning to online university classes, Haley implemented various self-care methods and healthy living tips to keep shining. We check in with Haley about her healthy lifestyle, tips for college students, and E3Live superfoods.

Tell us about yourself and your college life in 2020.
I graduated from Truckee High School a semester early in January 2016 with the plan of working before moving to Oregon in September. From the very beginning of my college career, I knew fitting in was not going to be easy, due to the fact that I was a first-generation student going to an out-of-state university. Navigating a new environment with little guidance was a unique challenge for me. I was a Northern Californian girl surrounded by roommates, friends, and classmates all from Oregon, and many had attended the same high schools. That being said, I was not prepared for the culture shock I would find myself in, only days or weeks after my big move. I saw my health take the back burner for what felt like the first time in my entire life; I lost an alarming amount of weight and my physical and mental health got the brunt end of it. I made the switch to focusing on my mind and body and nurturing those aspects of my life in order to succeed in school.

In one of the care packages I received from back home, I was introduced to BrainON. I would add a packet to my water at the beginning of the day and I’d have the energy to make it through the day. On the days that required long hours of studying, I would mix up a glass of BrainON before leaving for the library. I saw immediate differences in my performance, as did my professors. The role E3Live played in my journey, my first few years of school, was minimal and not linear.

It was not until the major shift in my education due to the COVID-19 pandemic that I really took advantage of what E3Live had to offer. It is safe to say that I, my classmates and professors, could never have prepared for this dramatic switch to online-only classes. It was incredibly difficult navigating the newfound expectations put on students. Throughout these difficult, tiresome, and overwhelming new times in school, BrainON, Blue Majik, and E3Live were cornerstones for my health.

When and why did you become interested in a healthy lifestyle?
I have always had an interest in a healthy lifestyle, but I am sure I am not the only one that had a difficult time keeping it as a priority in my college life. Therefore, I did not take much note of it during my freshman year, as it was impossible to be health conscious while on a student meal plan! From my sophomore year to my senior year, I began taking pilates, yoga, and relaxation. These classes helped me get back in tune with that side of myself. I rediscovered my love for E3Live's products and began to work them into my routine, I found it easiest to utilize the capsule products that I could take on-the-go with little thought or effort.

In 2020 my immune system took a severe beating. All my life I have been fairly healthy with few trips to the doctor and virtually no allergies. It was around September that I began to develop a mild rash around my nose, chin, and under my eyes, I did not think anything of it past "maskne" so I continued normal life as if nothing was wrong. Toward the beginning of October, things had become increasingly worse, and I made the decision to visit my local Urgent Care. To my surprise, I was misdiagnosed with a stubborn MRSA infection and then adult impetigo. I finally was told I had perioral dermatitis by a dermatologist and was given two months of antibiotics. At this point, my immune system was as exhausted as I was and I turned to E3Live and other supplements to boost my immunity.

All of the events in the past four years have to lead me to a healthier lifestyle starting with what I choose to put in my body. I believe, if it weren't for E3Live, I would not have awakened that health-nut bug within myself, and I would not have ever taken the chance to examine the benefits of various superfoods.

What are your favorite E3Live superfoods and why?
My favorite E3Live product right now is Blue Majik. I use it in my smoothies and bowls as much as I can! It adds a gorgeous color and depth to my food, shakes things up, and makes it a bit more fun! I worked at a smoothie cafe here in Corvallis, and our top products have blue spirulina in them, and numerous customers, and I have felt a shift in energy levels. I also find Blue Majik to be an incredibly versatile product that can be used in breakfast or desserts. I have used it as food coloring on raspberry tarts and various smoothie bowls!

What tips do you have for other college students to stay healthy mentally, physically, and emotionally during online school?
I cannot stress these two things enough: a healthy routine CATERED to yourself and lists! I wish I could count the number of times I have tried to establish a routine for myself that was made for someone else. I found myself failing to stick to it and beating myself up for it in the process. I began to take aspects of other people's routines and made them my own, that I could adjust as I needed or pleased. For myself, I needed to schedule a time to eat in the morning. In the past, I would get consumed with the morning classes or early meetings and find myself eating my first meal at 2 pm. Developing a morning and evening routine helped me develop a groove that I was proud of and I excelled in. Lists go hand in hand with the routine, if you are anything like me, your brain is moving at light speed any time of day. Therefore, if I don't write it down, it could be gone in an instant. I write lists for everything, from my groceries, new recipes to try, homework assignments, life events, you name it--I have a list for it. This is a huge key to success in prioritizing your days. The more balanced you feel in all basic aspects of your life the healthier you will be mentally, physically, and emotionally.

How do E3Live superfoods help with your everyday life?
I take a handful of E3Live products daily, resulting in increased energy, mood, and clarity. I have seen a huge difference in waking up energized and motivated, and on the days I forget, I do not feel foggy, which is the best part. The worst thing is waking up after a day of hard work to feel more tired than you did when you went to sleep. It feels incredibly rewarding to be able to put my best foot forward, knowing it is my work alone and not that of an enhancement. I think this is one of the top benefits of using natural superfoods for energy.

What would you say to other college students to encourage them to take E3Live superfoods?
I feel the first step in encouraging other students to use E3Live would be to share my story and other college students' stories using the products as well as developing a student ambassador program. This would showcase the benefits of the E3Live products, short and long term, as compared to the results students get by either consuming "study drugs" or copious amounts of caffeine.

What's next for Haley?
I finished my studies at the beginning of December and plan on starting my career as a digital marketer right away. I want to help brands develop a voice that will resonate with and answer the needs of their audience. I have hopes in the future to start my own digital marketing firm so I can find like-minded individuals to work with and make a mark within our industry. You can visit my website and various social media via the links below!

Find Haley online
Instagram: @hae_d
LinkedIN: Haley on LinkedIN
Website: iamhaley.com