Robin McFadden, Personal Trainer, talks health, fitness, & E3Live

Robin McFadden, Personal Trainer, talks health, fitness, & E3Live

Robin McFadden talks healthy lifestyle and E3Live superfoods

Robin McFadden is a 59-year-old personal trainer & fitness fanatic living in upstate New York. She received her B.A. in Economics from Duke University and then started a staffing firm for engineers. Fitness, health and wellness are top priorities and she inspires her fans on social media. E3Live has been an everyday staple for years! We check in with Robin about her healthy lifestyle, fitness and E3Live superfoods.

Tell us about yourself.
I was born and raised in NYC, but I always yearned to be outdoors, active and exercising. When I became pregnant with our second son, that was the perfect excuse to pack our bags and vamoose to the country! Never looked back once! Although I do commute into the city a few days a week, I take full advantage of living upstate.

When and why did you become interested in a healthy lifestyle?
Living a healthy lifestyle has always been part of my genetic make-up. When I was a kid, I did not think in those terms, but I always gravitated to playing outside, climbing trees, riding my bike, and doing anything that involved moving around. My mother also made sure that we had healthy meals and healthy snacks, so I just grew up like that. As an adult I just continued on in that vein, but I understood the health benefits of my lifestyle. When I see other people my age who are just so sedentary, it’s upsetting to me because they could improve their physical and mental health with just a little effort.

What is your favorite fitness activity?
My absolute favorite fitness activity is surfing. Not easy when you live in upstate NY! Surfing takes quick bursts of energy, combined with stamina, strength, and mental focus. Being in the ocean for hours is the most healing experience for me. In between sets, there is a lot of waiting time, and I find that time to be very calming and therapeutic, allowing me to really get in touch with nature without any distractions. If I’m lucky, I will see an occasional porpoise, whale, or shark. (yes-shark! We had a lot of those last summer).

What is your go-to healthy meal?
My go-to healthy meal? Good question! Let me start by saying I’m 80% vegan, so I need to be creative with my protein intake. (E3Live helps out a lot with that). I blend almond butter (the brand Base Culture is the best), chickpeas, a drop of vanilla extract, ½ teaspoon of Manuka honey and a bit of agave nectar. After blended, it has the consistency of cookie dough and is packed with healthy fats and proteins.

What E3Live superfoods do you take and how/when/and for what?
Years ago, my son had the flu, so we went to our local organic food store and they recommended fresh-frozen BrainON to help with his flu symptoms. It totally helped! His symptoms lessened and he recovered reasonably quickly. I thought it would be a good immune booster, so that’s when I started taking a few tablespoons every night. The more I read about the product, the more I learned that immune boosting is only one of the benefits. BrainON is a superfood packed with protein. I also found that my stress level was a bit reduced as well. 

I just started taking Blue Majik. I take it in the evenings a few times a week. I have already started to see a difference in my fitness recovery. I go pretty hard at my workouts and training and sometimes the next day can be sluggish, as I’m still recovering. I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised at how much Blue Majik helps with recovery. I’m finding that I need fewer recovery days now.

What differences did you feel since you started incorporating E3Live superfoods? What did you notice first/overall and the most?
I noticed that after a steady, daily diet of a few tablespoons of BrainON, that I rarely ever got sick. It takes a bit to build up in your system, but with consistency, I noticed a big difference in my immune system. I also noticed an increase in my energy level, which is already pretty high. I really believe that BrainON helps me have more stamina and helps me control my stress levels. Even with all the exercise I do, I tend to get anxious and stressed sometimes, and now I feel more in control of that. As I said, I just started the Blue Majik, but I really do recover more quickly from my intense workouts.

What's your secret to health and happiness?
My secret to health and happiness is simple. A lot of sleep is key. I try for 9 hours a night. Sleep is when your body regenerates physically and mentally. The deep sleep and REM phases are ever so important to optimal health.

My other secret is a lot of laughing. I’m so blessed that my husband makes me laugh constantly!

What are your top health and fitness tips?
Lifestyle, diet and exercise are the 3 pillars to a healthy life. Cutting out processed foods is extremely important. Nothing good comes out of eating chemicals. There is so much information out there on healthy foods and superfoods, but I can’t stress enough the importance of NO PROCESSED FOODS.

Next: The more exercise the better, but that is not feasible for everyone to work out 5-6 days a week. People have jobs and families and obligations. Any workout that you can get in is a bonus. Even if you fit in 10 minutes a day, it’s better than nothing. Try 50 jumping jacks and work your way up to 100. Take your dog for an extra-long walk, do one set of crunches. It all counts. My last tip is what I mentioned before, and that is sleep. One thing I would like to add about fitness: if you have the time, combining strength training, stretching, balance, and high intensity interval training is ideal.

What's next for you?
I’m currently studying to get my Personal Trainer Certification with the International Sports Science Association. I’ve gotten such great responses from the few workout tips that I’ve posted on Instagram, that I have decided it would be great to go all out and get my CPT and post workout regimens and health and fitness tips on a regular basis. I actually just posted my first official workout (an abs workout). Take a look and let me know what you think!!

Find Robin online
Instagram: @rlmcfadden1