Eleonore E.

Eleonore E.

12-Year Old Dog Finds Relief With E3AFA (E3 Canine)

Jerry, my dog will be 12 years old in October of 2011. I have had him since he was 3 months old. He has always weighed about 20 pounds. He is a sparkling, energetic, jumping and tender dog. Jerry is very smart, with a great character and personality.

Veterinarians have unanimously been very positive about his health and balanced character (not a dominant dog or aggressive). 75% of his life he ate healthily, sometimes including cookies and some junk food. During his eleventh year, he suddenly changed. Though still sparkling and jumping, he began to sleep more than usual. Last February, he was jumping after his leash and the front ligament of his back knee was injured. A very small cut was diagnosed and no operation recommended, just time: no jumping, no stairs. Jerry was also prescribed supplements.

At that time, I was using New Chapter supplements (great products, philosophy and organization) for Jerry and myself, with irregularity due to the high cost of the product. When I discovered E3 Renew Me, I felt it was the perfect match for both of our specific needs and for my budget. It is easier to save a little bit every month until I reach the refill point. I am 41 years old and have never had any specific health concerns. Nevertheless, I have the satisfied feeling that whatever was left out with New Chapter is now harmoniously addressed by E3Live. E3Live provides me with a global well-being. I also gave E3 Renew Me to Jerry in smaller quantity. He had good results too; he was sleeping less and happier, but quickly I discovered that his intestines got slightly inflamed. A lovely lady, Christina from E3Live, quickly answered my concern and explained this was probably due to the cayenne pepper (Jerry has sensitive intestines since he was a baby), and advised me to try E3AFA (E3 Canine). Since then, Jerry's knee is still not inflamed, he jumps and runs again, his eyes have been clearer, his hair is beautiful as ever. My baby is back, all things considered, of course!