Lindsey Stewart Soto

Lindsey Stewart Soto

30-Year-Old Horse Gets A Second Chance And Becomes A Winner!

This is Monty, my best friend. He was almost put to sleep by his old owners for being old and unrideable. A friend rescued him and began rehab on him. She gave him to our family as we were wanting to get into horses and he needed his own people to love him. With our friend's help we started him on supplements including E3Live Equine. He put on two hundred pounds of muscle and his coat and skin now look amazing thanks to E3Live!

But most importantly E3Live has given new life to a horse given up for dead. He is kind to all animals including cats, dogs, and foals. He charms every person that he meets. Including to our surprise the judges at a rated horse show. He was most definitely the oldest horse there and he won two blue and two red ribbons. The judges were impressed at what great shape he was in. And we were impressed that after not knowing his background he got out there like he had done 100 shows before and did his job surely and calmly!

We love Monty and we love E3Live! Thank you for your wonderful product and all the health it brings our best friend.