Sally Thoun

Sally Thoun

Here is a photo of my precious pups Cleo & Patra - now 13 years old.

They were born with comprised immune systems from a backyard breeder.

Just wish I knew about your product back then - would have saved a lot of vet bills.

I doubt their siblings are still alive.

Fed them wholesome, organic, grass-fed food - you are what you eat, whether a dog or human.

Cleo, her brother is on the left.

Patra is on the right.

These are when they were a bit younger.

She is now skinny and grey and lost a lot of hair from the Cushings, but always beautiful to me inside and out.

Her personality is back - bossy, wags her tail, eats well....still doing great.

Defying the vets who didn't think she would last this long.

Cherishing every day.

Thank you for extending Patra's walk across the rainbow bridge and having caring employees.