Yvonne McBride

Yvonne McBride

TLC and AFA make for a magnificent transformation

Meet Ms. Bonnie (we often call her Bon Bon), a 3 1/2 year old AKC registered Rough Collie also referred to as a Lassie dog by people who meet her on the street. This joyful, precious ball of fur picked me as her caretaker in April 2018. She had been living outside in poor conditions exposed to all the elements and her owner no longer wanted her because "she is a runner". He admitted he was only keeping her around in hopes of breeding her and selling the puppies. Bonnie had other plans and she wiggled her way into my heart and home.

The groomer was appalled at her condition and told me that her coat may not recover from being exposed the the outside elements for so long. Her fur was bleached from the sun, frizzy from the bitter winters, brittle from wind and rain and was falling out in clumps. On top of the problems with her fur she was malnourished and so very tired - she just wanted a quiet safe place to rest and sleep.

I already knew the power of AFA and started Bonnie on a regimen of proper nutrition and 1gm of E3Canine powder 2 x daily with each feeding. Within a few months we noticed decreased shedding and her fur was growing back fuller, softer and the color became more vibrant shades of sable and white. Today I give her 1g of E3Canine powder daily as general maintenance and she continues to thrive.

I didn't need scientific research for me to be a believer on the benefits of AFA as I consume it myself. However, I came across an article on the internet that was published March of 2019 by Innovated Veterinary Care on the benefits of micro algae (specific to AFA) and dogs that may be of interest to others.

Lots of TLC and AFA has truly transformed Bonnie into the most magnificent Canine I have ever had the privilege to call my companion.

PS - "she is a runner", she runs into my arms everyday to show me how appreciative she is for a second chance.