Ms. P. Prabhu

Ms. P. Prabhu

I purchased E3Live over a week ago from my favorite health food store after sampling it from a sales representative. It is delicious! I add a teaspoon to my smoothies and to my fruit juice blends. I have taken it faithfully for 8 days now. What a difference. I already feel and see my stomach reducing in size. Emotionally and physically I feel alert,alive, positive. E3Live gives me sustenance during my work day. E3Live has a pleasant taste. It does not change the flavor of juices or smoothies in any negative way. Embracing a positive attitude, watching my food intake, choosing food carefully, prayer,faith, meditation and drinking liquids with E3Live added to them, has been a wonderful transformation.

I love the E3 website. It is easy to navigate.

Thank you!