Musician Feels More Engaged, More Clarity and Energy!
Taking E3Live has made being a touring musician a completely different experience for me. Never have I had so much energy and focus after a month straight of daily 8-hour drives and nightly live performances. The road is often a difficult place to find the right kinds of foods to stay nourished and to thrive. Taking E3AFA seems to instantly fill the nutritional gaps and the sensation of a lift in mood and energy is palpable within minutes. Dealing with less-than-optimal sleep has been way easier since I’ve been on E3live too. BrainOn and/or Blue Majik before a show have improved my concentration on stage incredibly. My focus becomes acute, my energy feels indelible, my frame of mind is positive, and I feel a sense calm, control and clarity with my playing that is steady and long lasting. I feel more engaged in my performance than I ever have and instead of feeling exhausted after shows, these days I feel like I could play twice as long before fading.